Secrets of Successful People


By Henry Trinh 

I was at the mall waiting for my wife while she is doing some shopping and a thought just clicked in my head. Does someone like Bill Gates from Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, Steve Job from Apple’s computer and other successful super-affiliate marketers born with the skills and talents to create successful businesses and accumulated immense amount of wealth? Do these people have some kind of special formula for accomplishing their dreams and desires? I always crave for success and hate myself for seeing people crossing the stage with recognition and prestige. All of my life, I want to discover the secret that makes people successful.

Work Hard and Be Persistence

Through my intense research and personal experience, success does not come on a silver platter. It takes hard work and laser focus determination to obtain the goals that one seeks to achieve. Nobody will work out in the gym, think positive thoughts, or meditate for you. Success is 90  percent perspiration and 10 percent inspiration.
Successful marketers are well prepared to take on new opportunities because they have put in more than 10,000 hours of practice in their niche or area of interest. In the book “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell contends that 10,000 hours of “deliberate practice” are needed to become world-class in any field.

Take Risks and Not Be Afraid to Fail

Success people are “odd balls” who are not afraid to be outcasts. Successful people are honest about their mistake and being transparent about their success and failures. Those who never make mistakes are ill-prepared. When they fail they fail miserably, they never bother to take another course of actions. Successful people are well-prepared and are not afraid to test out different things. They learn from their failures and using the Kaizen method to continually improve themselves each time—not to make the same mistake again. It’s like working out on building muscles—nobody can do the work for you.

Dealing with Failures

All successful people went through the learning curve and riddled with failures. Successful people read success books to uplift and inspire them to move forward.

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefits.” –Napoleon Hill

Willing to Make Changes

When something is not working, successful people know when to fold and change course. Successful people adapt to changes and willing to do a full reversal. Because the world is ever-changing, successful people accept change and willing to beats all odds to achieve their dreams. Most people who are not successful because they gave up half way when they are getting close to achieving their first milestone. Successful people have clear objectives because they set timeline and milestones. It helps them to redefine their goals and objectives.

Networking to Generate New Ideas

In combination with the countless number of practices, the successful people network with other people outside of their area of expertise across cultural boundaries to spark new ideas. There is another school of thought by Frans Johansson, in his new book, “The Click Moment: Seizing Opportunity in An Unpredictable World,” argues that luck is an incredibly powerful part of the equation, and it’s up to us to create that luck—or “click moments.” Opportunity presents itself in a randomness manner to people like Com Mirza who is a serial entrepreneur. Com Mirza owned a lemonade stand when he was young. Later his dream grew to open up software companies like Bill Gates but failed 7 times before he made it big. Later on in life, Com Mirza met up with his cousin in Europe at a race track and got an idea to start an online betting company.

Follow your passion

Most people do it for the wrong reasons. For example, they want to make a 1 million dollar the first year and buy a private jet and own every toy there are to own. It’s a good goal to have, but they are not prepare to put in the efforts to accomplishing those goals or finding the right vehicle or business opportunity to help them with fulfilling their dreams. You need to list all of your dreams and desires on a piece of paper and visualizing that someday you going to have them. Your subconscious kind will put those thoughts into action. Most importantly, when you have made it to the top, your ultimate goal is to make an impact on the world through philanthropy or mentor other people to achieve greatness.

Add Value to Others

Material things are not the measure of success, because if you ask a successful people what makes them happy, they’ll tell you that following their passion and helping others are the true meaning of success. For example, a doctor treats people with their ailment or illness, a motivational speaker uplifts people to find greatness, a lawyer does every trick in the book to win the case for their client and an online marketer who teaches others to achieve maximum results in their marketing campaign. In other words, successful people seek to add value to other people. In return, the successful people reap the reward of their labor.


You are the only person who can gain mental toughness and characters through these ups and downs. Success will not attack you and that luck has nothing to do with it, but good fortune will come along on the journey when you least expected. It took years for the result to come for most successful people like Chris Gardner to be the top stock broker at Bear Sterns and Company.

“Do something that you love. Whatever you’re going to do is going to be tough enough. Find something that gets you most excited that the sun can’t come up early in the morning because you want to do your thing.” –Chris Gardner

Focus on Strengths and Outsource Weaknesses

Successful people know their strengths and weakness. In fact, they outsource their weaknesses to other people to free up time to work on what they are good at. They recognize that they only have so much time in a day and they can delegate their tasks to other people. As a result, they delegate tasks so they can duplicate their time to be more productive and expect massive results.

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2 thoughts on “Secrets of Successful People

  1. ubuntuvps

    I know many people who feel they are successful and who others regard as successful who don t do most of the stuff here and others who are not successful by any definition who do most of it.


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